1Z0-1085-22 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2022 Foundations Associate Exam

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Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2022 Certified Foundations Associate
Format: Multiple Choice
Duration: 90 Minutes
Exam Price: Free
Number of Questions: 55
Passing Score: 65%
Validation: This Exam has been validated against Oracle Cloud Infrastructure 2022
Policy: Cloud Recertification

Prepare to pass exam: 1Z0-1085-22
The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Foundations certification is for individuals who intend to demonstrate fundamental knowledge of public cloud services provided by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). This certification is for candidates with non-technical backgrounds, such as those involved in selling or procuring cloud solutions, as well as those with a technical background who want to validate their foundational-level knowledge around core OCI services.

This exam does not require any hands-on technical experience and is not a prerequisite for taking any other OCI certifications.

Take recommended training
Complete one of the courses below to prepare for your exam (optional):

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Learning Subscription

Additional Preparation and Information

A combination of Oracle training and hands-on experience (attained via labs and/or field experience), in the learning subscription, provides the best preparation for passing the exam.

Review exam topics

Getting Started with OCI
Describe the key features and components of OCI
Discuss OCI Regions and Availability Domains

Core OCI Services
Describe OCI Compute services
Describe OCI Storage services
Describe OCI Networking services
Describe OCI Observability and Management services
Describe OCI Analytics and AI services
Describe OCI Hybrid offerings
Describe OCI App Dev services
Describe OCI Database services

Security and Compliance
Explain the OCI Security model
Describe OCI Security services
Describe OCI Identity and Access Management services

OCI Pricing, Support and Operations (Governance and Administration)
Explain the OCI Pricing model
Explain the OCI SLA and Support model

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Best Oracle 1Z0-1085-22 Certification, Oracle 1Z0-1085-22 Brain Dumps Training at Certkingdom.com

A company has developed an eCommerce web application In Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
What should they do to ensure that the application has the highest level of resilience?

A. Deploy the application across multiple Regions and Availability Domains.
B. Deploy the application across multiple Availability Domains and subnet.
C. Deploy the application across multiple Virtual Cloud Networks.
D. Deploy the application across multiple Availability Domains and Fault Domains.

Answer: A

For highest level of resilience you can deploy the application between regions and distribute on
availability domain and faultdomains.

You have amission-critical application which requires to be globally available at all times.
Which deployment strategy should you adopt?

A. Use multiple Fault Domains In each Availability Domain in each Region.
B. Use multiple Availability Domains In one Region.
C. Use multiple Fault Domains In one Region.
D. Use multiple Fault Domains in any Availability Domain in multiple Regions.

Answer: A

Which Oracle Cloud Infrastructure service allows you to run code without provisioning any
underlying infrastructure resources?

A. Compute service
B. Storage Gateway
C. Oracle Container Engine forKubernetes
D. Oracle Functions

Answer: D

Which three methods can you use to create or modify Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) resources?

B. OCIdesktop client
C. Secure Shell(SSH)
D. OCI Console
E. Command-line Interface
F. Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)
G. Serial console connection

Answer: A, D,E

Which CANNOT be used with My Oracle Support (MOS)?

A. Add or change a tenancy administrator
B. Request a Service Limit increase
C. Reset the password or unlock the account for the tenancy administrator
D. Troubleshoot your resources in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Free Trial account

Answer: D

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